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What is an oximeter, and what is it for during the covid pandemic?

These essential tools can be vital to obtaining important respiratory health information, particularly during the covid-19 pandemic

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Amid the pandemic, there are medical instruments that have become "fashionable": the oximeters, because too many patients from the Bellevue Hospital in New York were arriving with deficient oxygen levels, which put them at risk of serious complications or even death, Dr. Richard Levitan explained to The New York Times.

When we try to decide who to send home in the hospital, some critical criteria are: what is your oxygen level? What is your pulse?

The specialist also spoke of the necessary instruments to identify symptoms of covid-19. Americans can be diagnosed and treated before becoming seriously ill with a pulse oximeter and thermometer. But why are oximeters "trending"? And what is an oximeter?

An oximeter is a small device used to measure oxygenation in the blood. It can be vital in obtaining valuable information on respiratory health, particularly during the covid-19 pandemic.

According to the American Thoracic Society, pulse oximetry is a way to measure the amount of oxygen present in the blood. Using a pulse oximeter is possible to measure oxygen levels without the need for needles. It is a painless test that is also used by specialists.

What is it?

The oximeter is small in size and calculates the so-called oxygen saturation level (SatO2). The result obtained is a percentage that indicates how much oxygen your blood transports. However, under normal circumstances, more than 89% of red blood cells should contain oxygen.

When placed, lights come on with numbers that indicate the level of oxygen in the body and heart rate.

A reading between 95 and 98% is considered normal. Although some patients may have lower levels and be healthy, a smaller measurement of 92% requires specialized attention.

A low oxygen concentration could indicate various diseases, in addition to respiratory diseases, including:

- Covid-19

- Asthma

How is it used during the pandemic?

This device looks like a giant clothespin, and it's placed on the fingers. Some recommendations are to have short nails. It is also suggested recommended not to have fake nails or painted with enamel.

In addition to the amount of oxygen measured with the oximeter, the symptoms of covid-19 should not be ignored; The benefit of monitoring is that it can potentially alert you to decreased respiratory health before you can perceive it.

Levitan also said: that this device does not hurt because "you will not feel anything is like placing a thermometer, only that, in the case of the pulse oximeter, it emits different wavelengths of light through your finger for the detection of hemoglobin."  

Traducción: Valentina K. Yanes