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We are more afraid of getting fat than of covid-19

During this quarantine, the "challenge" is to survive, not to be skinny

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Since the beginning of the covid-19 quarantine, challenges began to be shared on social networks: if you had not read a book, lost a few pounds or exercised, you did not lack time but discipline. However, this information did not take into account that anxiety and stress are not confined.

In La Cadera de Eva, we launched the podcast with the same name as this note, and Lorena Herrejón, a general practitioner, specializing in sports and vegan nutrition, accompanied us. She shared that the essential part of this quarantine is not to be thin but "getting out alive."

The problems that were present before the quarantine will not be solved during this period or afterward if we do not know their roots, what drives us to eat.

What Are You Hungry For? Written by Deepak Chopra, a book recommended by the nutritionist in her therapies, invites us to think? Why are you eating? Is it hunger for fun, love, family, free time?

Reconcile with your body

For nutritionist Herrejón, demanding women for a slim body corresponds to the pressure of the patriarchal system, which in itself already requires too much of them, "now they tell her she has to be skinny."

The most important thing is to eat healthily, and what is to eat healthily? we asked is to eat "food." Yes, but what food, "she told us everything," as you read, everything is food. The point is that we choose the least processed foods possible because, in addition to not feeding us, they will not make us feel right either.

Vegetables and fruits must be present at every meal, and if you eat meat, then meat it is. "It doesn't matter if you eat pizza one day."

Guilt is our worst enemy. So during this quarantine, we are not going to resolve a toxic relationship with food if we do not make peace with it beforehand and with everything that motivates us to eat.

Traducción: Valentina K. Yanes.

(María José Pardo)